working with directories

3 min readDec 5, 2023


This module is a brief overview of the most common commands to work with directories: pwd, cd, ls, mkdir and rmdir. These commands are available on any Linux (or Unix) system. This module also discusses absolute and relative paths and path completion in the bash shell.

  1. pwd

The you are here sign can be displayed with the pwd command (Print Working Directory). Go ahead, try it: Open a command line interface (also called a terminal, console or xterm) and type pwd. The tool displays your current directory.

2. cd

You can change your current directory with the cd command (Change Directory).

3. cd~

The cd is also a shortcut to get back into your home directory. Just typing cd without a target directory, will put you in your home directory. Typing cd ~ has the same effect

4. cd ..

To go to the parent directory (the one just above your current directory in the directory tree), type cd .. .

To stay in the current directory, type cd . ;-) We will see useful use of the . character representing the current directory later.

5. cd -

Another useful shortcut with cd is to just type cd — to go to the previous directory.

absolute and relative paths

You should be aware of absolute and relative paths in the file tree. When you type a path starting with a slash (/), then the root of the file tree is assumed. If you don’t start your path with a slash, then the current directory is the assumed starting point.

The screenshot below first shows the current directory /root. From within this directory, you have to type cd /home instead of cd home to go to the /home directory.

When inside /home, you have to type cd paul instead of cd /root to enter the subdirectory root of the current directory /home.

This was the last screenshot with pwd statements. From now on, the current directory will often be displayed in the prompt. Later we will explain how the shell variable $PS1 can be configured to show this.




Written by Meghasharmaa

DevOps Architect | AWS | Docker | Kubernetes | Terraform | Google Cloud | Python

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